The administrator of your personal data is the company Doorexpert Ltd with its registered office at Unit 6 Steamboat Quay, Dock Road, Limerick, V94 293X,  VAT NO IE 3639105 HH COMPANY NO: 656114.

If you have any questions regarding personal data and rights, please contact us by e-mail at:

The Doorexpert Ltd company, which is the owner of the portal, makes every effort to ensure that your personal data and privacy are adequately protected in accordance with the Privacy Policy in force from May 25, 2018. Cookies are used only for the purpose of administering the website, preparing an offer and for statistical purposes.


The administrator of your personal data is the company Doorexpert Ltd with its registered office at Unit 6 Steamboat Quay, Dock Road, Limerick, V94 293X,  VAT NO IE 3639105 HH COMPANY NO: 656114. The company was entered in the register of entrepreneurs of the Central Register and Information on Business.

Website – hereinafter referred to as the „Website” located at, is managed and maintained by Doorexpert Ltd, hereinafter referred to as the Administrator.

Device – it is an electronic device through which the Website User gains access to the Website.

Website User – any person who visits the website or uses its functionality: the possibility of sending an inquiry via the contact form on the website or sending a direct e-mail with the inquiry.


  1. The website collects information voluntarily provided by the User
  2. All data of the Website Users is collected and processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy in force from May 25, 2018.
  3. We collect your data as follows:
    1. contacts initiated by your representatives or employees in the form of a direct e-mail and sent via the contact form with a request for a commercial offer,
    2. publicly available databases of personal data (KRS, REGON, CEIDG),
    3. contacts obtained during industry conferences,
    4. during direct contacts with your representatives and employees,
    5. sent by your representatives and employees via the contact form or directly to the e-mail address,
    6. provided by the user to issue a bill or invoice,
  4. The website administrator processes the following:
    1. Business name,
    2. The exact address of the company’s headquarters
    3. NIP number and REGON number
    4. E-mail addresses
    5. Phone numbers
    6. First name and last name
    7. Exact residence address with zip code
    8. The content of the e-mail sent by the User of the Website,
  5. The legal basis for the processing of the above-mentioned personal data is the consent and the legitimate interest of the Administrator, which consists in securing the data and evidence for the purposes of any claims.
  6. The website user has the full right to access their personal data, they also have the right to limit their processing or delete them. The Administrator has 30 days to respond to the User’s request, who should send his request in writing to the following address:


  1. The website uses cookies, the website user has the full ability to disable or limit the access of cookies to his device. If you use this option, it will be possible to continue using the Website, however, we would like to point out that disabling cookies by the browser may affect the proper functioning of the website.
  2. We use all cookies used on the website to perform many functions, primarily for statistical and advertising purposes, to analyze the functionality of our website and to adapt the content to the visiting Users of the Website.
  3. The cookies used by the Administrator are completely safe for the Website User and their Device.
  4. The entity collecting and processing the data obtained by cookies is the website administrator.
  5. The website administrator uses the following cookies
    1. Session cookies are temporary files stored on the Website User’s Device until the end of the session. The storage ends when logging out, leaving the Website and turning off the Device.
    2. Persistent cookies are permanent files that remain stored on the Website User’s Device for the time specified by the browser in the cookie parameters or until they are manually deleted by the User. The system of permanent cookie files comes down to checking and identifying new and existing users of the Website.
  6. Cookies sent via the Website may also be used by cooperating partners and advertisers for statistical and advertising purposes.


  1. The website administrator uses cookies to properly configure the website:
    1. reads the basic parameters of the Device in order to correctly adjust and display the Website
    2. using the User’s location in order to correctly configure selected functions of the Website in terms of its location.
  2. Cookies placed on the Website User’s Device are shared and processed for analytical and advertising purposes using Google Analytics, Google Adwords and Pixel Facebook.
  3. The Website User may edit and view the information collected by the advertising network resulting from cookies using the following device:
    1. Google Display Network:
    2. Facebook advertising network:
  1. The Website Administrator uses cookies to research and analyze website statistics, which help the Administrator understand how Users use the Website.
  2. The administrator uses cookies to collect anonymous and general statistical data via Google Analitycs analytical tools, which are managed by Google Inc. based in the USA.


Most web browsers allow cookies to be placed on the end device by default. The user may at any time change the settings so as to block the automatic handling of cookies or request information about each transfer of data to your device. In order to block cookies or disable certain functions, please follow the instructions below. However, we would like to point out that disabling cookies by the browser may affect the proper functioning of the website.

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer 10

